Partially and fully skill-based games have recently been approved in some jurisdictions as an attempt to attract younger gamblers who aren't necessarily fond of traditional gambling games. The skill element might be an arcade-style game, something that requires creative thinking and problem solving skills, or some elements of each.
It's also possible to combine skill-based games with traditional gambling games. For example, a skill-based game can be included as a bonus game in a slot machine. In such hybrid games, you can even offer the player the option to choose a skill-based component over a traditional component.
Math models for skill-based games assume the player will be an expert. Those players who master the skills are rewarded with the maximum RTP. This is actually similar to video poker, where optimal play is required to achieve the advertised RTP. And optimal video poker play is certainly a skill.
Do you have an idea for a fully skill-based game, or a game that combines skill elements with a traditional gambling game, and need a math model? We can help.
Contact us to discover how we can help with your skill game math needs!
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